Whistler 2021 Year-End Review
To call 2021 a ‘Banner’ year in Whistler real estate is an understatement, 2021 was a ‘Blockbuster’ year! Total dollar volume traded in 2021 was just over $1.5 billion, a 35% increase from the previous year. The total number of transactions in 2021 was 948, a 31% increase year-over-year. Throughout 2021, Whistler consistently had fewer listings each month compared to the previous year. The general trend was for fewer and fewer properties available for sale each month, starting off with 240 property listings in January and finishing up with 115 in December. This lack of inventory, which is currently at a 10-year low, is driving the seller’s market that continues into 2022.
Broken down by property category, chalet sales saw a 31% increase in dollar volume traded, and a 9% increase in total number of sales Year-Over-Year. Total number of Duplex & Triplex property sales increased by 45% and dollar volume was up by 63% compared to 2020. Townhomes saw 9% fewer sales, while dollar volume remained roughly the same. Vacant land sales jumped 324% Year-Over-Year, and traded dollar volume was 279% higher.
Phase I properties saw a 54% increase in number of sales, and total sales dollar volume increased by 61%. Phase II condos had a remarkable year, with a 62% increase in number of sales, and an 81% increase in sales volume. Shared Ownership property sales also soared in 2021, showing a 59% increase in number of sales, and an 87% higher sales volume than the previous year.
Canadians made up the lion’s share of Whistler buyers in 2021, with 95.5% of buyers from Canada. 2.5% of buyers were from USA and the remaining 2% were from other countries including Hong Kong, Mexico, UK, Australia, China and Bermuda.
Call us today for a detailed market report or property valuation.
Stay safe & live well.
~ Ron & Rachel
Market statistics gathered from WLS (Whistler Listing Service) & REBGV (Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver). Photo credit: Tourism Whistler / Mike Crane.